Week 25


Power. Some people have it. Some people have too much of it. Some people don’t have any of it. Some people need more of it. Some people don’t want others to have it. Some people fight for it. And some people work to distribute it.

Quoted from Museum 2020 Catalog. Text is under copyright of Do Good LLC.

This week the catalog from Mmuseum has arrived. Mmuseumm claims that it is the smallest museum in the world. It is hosted in the elevator shaft in the back alleys of Tribeca. I have discovered Museumm in 2013. My sister was spending summer in New York and together we were running around the city trying to visit all of its numerous museums. Currently, the museum is closed (little social distancing can be done in the perimeter of a square meter). On a recent summer night, I walked to the museum through empty back alleys of Tribeca to confirm this. It is closed. However, their ‘new season’ as documented in the catalogue as unexpected as ever. Here is the current and past collections: [Collection — Mmuseumm](https://www.mmuseumm.com/exhibitions)

The Ready America 70380 Essentials Emergency

The Ready America 70380 Essentials Emergency

“You think that because you understand “one” that you must therefore understand “two” because one and one make two. But you forget that you must also understand “and”. “

- Sufi teaching story


This week is short and abrupt since I am working on my projects at ITP Camp at NYU. I will share the discoveries next week.