Making, building, reverse-engineering and experimenting is a way of experiencing the world.
When I don’t forget, I try to document and share mine.
If I could take it with me
The list of beautiful things that i would take from the Metropolitan Museum of Art if I could
The most interesting milestones in the architecture of Mexico City
In Crampons to Museum
Accidental Reading
Tracking random online content consumption in 2020
Fleeting Opulence
Lessons in the olden days, ritziness and fleeting nature of human creations
Manufactury App
Maybe, NYC
Vizualizing New York that could have been in Mixed Reality
Literary Tourist
Mapping beautiful spaces that house human knowledge and to aspire curious travel
Corporate Chakra
the app for auspicious business strategies
Select * From Internet;
Project to get random content from internet to solve from content bubble
Optimizing Life with LP
Solving important life problems with Linear Programming
Books & Whisky Meet-Up
I used to be a co-organizer of meet-up for books and whisky lovers